
Who was Louie Knuxx? All about the New Zealand Hip-Hop star as he passes away at 42

New Zealand hip-hop artist Louie Knuxx, also known as Todd Williams, passed away on August 13 following a heart attack in Melbourne. He was 42 years old at the time of his death. His family said that he was running on his treadmill when he died.

The popular artist’s fans and other celebrities expressed their grief on social media:

Louie Knuxx’s close friend, writer, and artist Dominic Hoey said that his death was more tragic because he recently fell in love and was financially strong for the first time in his life. According to Hoey:

“The way he was with the kids was something else. It wouldn’t matter if one of the kids was really into crime or considered high-risk or if someone was really sensitive and wasn’t talking; it didn’t matter; he would make them feel so safe.”

Hoey added that he and the ones close to Louie Knuxx might commemorate him with a tattoo of a duck, an animal that was Knuxx’s favorite.

Who was Louie Knuxx?

Hip-hop artist Louie Knuxx. (Image via Twitter/nzherald)

Louie Knuxx started his music career with the New Plymouth hip-hop outfit Dirtbag District. He then moved on to record label Breakin Wreckwordz and formed part of the Young, Gifted, and Broke artist collective.

Apart from being successful in music, he even supported young people experiencing hardship in New Zealand and Australia. He started to work with young people after being encouraged by his friend Dominic Hoey though he was reluctant at first.

Knuxx returned to his home Taranaki in 2016. He took the role of a youth worker at the youth facility where he spent his days as a teenager.

In an interview with Stuff, he said that he intended to run a residential programme for young people. He did that three years ago after coming to Melbourne. Knuxx worked with his brother Matt Williams to facilitate a youth support organization, the Chin Up Project, that uses music and mentoring as a means to empower people.

Following the death of Knuxx, a fundraiser was set up on Givealittle on August 15 to help with the cost of transporting his body back to New Zealand and cover the costs of his funeral. The page raised almost $20,000 in two hours.

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Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-06-28