
Bette Midler Offers Some Honest, but Harsh Advice to Ariana Grande and Other Young Performers

Bette Midler

Bette Midler is never afraid to say what she’s thinking; something that’s likely a blessing and a curse. After all, we all think things, but most of us refrain from saying them aloud because we fear the backlash that might come with our more prominent opinions. Midler, however, is one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood. She’s got a long history of successful work behind her, in front of her and all around her (anyone hear she’s up for Hocus Pocus the Sequel?) and that gives her a bit of knowledge and expertise when it comes to Hollywood careers.

In a recent interview with The Telegraph, the famed singer and actress opened up about her personal feelings about Ariana Grande, the Nickelodeon actress-turned-singer, and what she has to say about the young singer isn’t exactly nice – but the truth rarely ever is.

“It’s always surprising to see someone like Ariana Grande with that silly high voice, a very wholesome voice, slithering around on a couch…looking so ridiculous. I mean it’s silly beyond belief and I don’t know who’s telling her to do it,” Midler says of how she perceives the singer.

She goes on to give the singer a bit of advice – not directly to Grande, but to all young singers and performers – that’s absurdly harsh, but absolutely something that most parents want their own children to hear and advice they certainly want them to heed.

“Trust your talent. You don’t have to make a ***** out of yourself to get ahead,” she says. And as upfront and harsh as it sounds, what we think Midler is trying to say is that she doesn’t feel that young women have to parade around in skimpy outfits dancing inappropriately for fans and attention when they have such amazing talent inside of themselves. Of course, in the 70s, Midler herself was considered a very risqué performer, but that was the 70s; a completely different time.

Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Michael Kors


Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-30