
All Frame defense parts and where tofindthem

Frames are part of the defense lineup in Lies of P. Instead of protecting the protagonist from different elements of damage in a small amount, these focus mainly on reducing physical damage. The character's defensive stats are also increased by these components, just as they are with Converters. A boss or a high-profile puppet will drop one of these rings for players to acquire.

Lies of P was one of the most anticipated titles and was released on September 18, 2023. It offers an improvised rendition of Pinnochio's story in a Soulslike world. Throughout the game, players have to make various choices and will receive a variety of rewards for following a specific path.

This article lists all the Frames to defend yourself in Lies of P.

Frames can greatly reduce the incoming damage in Lies of P

The list of each Frame in this Soulslike title, Lies of P, is given below:

1) Arch Extra Heavyweight

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 32.85
  • Weight: 22.8

Teleport to the Abandoned Apartment Stargazer and take the door on the second floor to reach the Wandering Merchant. Pass through the Narrow Crystal Bridge and turn towards the right side to locate a billboard. Turn left to locate the Bulging Head Carcass beside a building.

2) Arch Heavyweight

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 32.85
  • Weight: 16.2

Visit the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert and climb the stairs to find a bridge at the top. Walk towards the door at the opposite end to locate the chest guarded by a puppet.

3) Lada F150

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 15.85
  • Weight: 10

Head to the Elysion Boulevard Entrance and go to the right side to find the chest guarded by a few enemy puppets.

4) Lada F250

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 28.6
  • Weight: 19.4

Obtain the 1st Floor Key for Lorenzi Arcade and open the specified door. Get to the lowest level to locate a room filled with wine. Defeat the Brawler Carcass to retrieve the item.

5) Lada F350

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 37.11
  • Weight: 26.4

Teleport to the Arche Abby Outer Wall Stargazer and head towards the Sting-Tail Carcass guarding a chest in a small room. Exit the area and go upstairs to locate another enemy guarding the designated chest. Power up the bridge and carefully cross it to get the chest.

6) Workshop Union Basic

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 7.36
  • Weight: 5.8

Attached to the equipment since the beginning of the game.

7) Workshop Union Lightweight

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 11.61
  • Weight: 7.6

Rewarded for defeating the Krat Police Officer (tutorial boss) at Krat Central Station. He will also drop the Krat Central Station Main Entrance Key.

8) Workshop Union Strengthening

  • Damage Reduction (Physical): 20.1
  • Weight: 13.2

Visit the Archbishop's Office using the doorway of the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library. The room filled with statues will contain a safe-box with the designated item.

This summarizes the list of every Frame in Lies of P. Before switching to a better variant, players are advised to increase their storage capacity, as not doing so will increase the load on the character and eventually slow him down. As a result, avoiding attacks and swinging blades will become more difficult.

The role-playing game is available to play on PC (through Steam and Xbox Game Pass), PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.

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Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-16