
Accomplish perfectly as a gymnastics landing

•A small shoot, or branch, separated, as by a cutting, from a tree or shrub; also, any stem or branch of a tree, of any size, cut for fuel or timber.•Any long and comparatively slender piece of wood, whether in natural form or shaped with tools; a rod; a wand; a staff; as, the stick of a rocket; a walking stick.•Anything shaped like a stick; as, a stick of wax.•A derogatory expression for a person; one who is inert or stupid; as, an odd stick; a poor stick.•A composing stick. See under Composing. It is usually a frame of metal, but for posters, handbills, etc., one made of wood is used.•A thrust with a pointed instrument; a stab.•To penetrate with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to stab; hence, to kill by piercing; as, to stick a beast.•To cause to penetrate; to push, thrust, or drive, so as to pierce; as, to stick a needle into one's finger.•To fasten, attach, or cause to remain, by thrusting in; hence, also, to adorn or deck with things fastened on as by piercing; as, to stick a pin on the sleeve.•To set; to fix in; as, to stick card teeth.•To set with something pointed; as, to stick cards.•To fix on a pointed instrument; to impale; as, to stick an apple on a fork.•To attach by causing to adhere to the surface; as, to stick on a plaster; to stick a stamp on an envelope; also, to attach in any manner.•To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing stick; as, to stick type.•To run or plane (moldings) in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand. Such moldings are said to be stuck.•To cause to stick; to bring to a stand; to pose; to puzzle; as, to stick one with a hard problem.•To impose upon; to compel to pay; sometimes, to cheat.•To adhere; as, glue sticks to the fingers; paste sticks to the wall.•To remain where placed; to be fixed; to hold fast to any position so as to be moved with difficulty; to cling; to abide; to cleave; to be united closely.•To be prevented from going farther; to stop by reason of some obstacle; to be stayed.•To be embarrassed or puzzled; to hesitate; to be deterred, as by scruples; to scruple; -- often with at.•To cause difficulties, scruples, or hesitation.


Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-30